Why Hire an Interior Decorator?

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We’ve all seen them…the amazing transformation videos on social media or the HGTV reveals that make it seem quick and easy to do a home remodel. Everyone loves a good “before-and-after” visual. The total room transformations that we see at the snap of a finger in these produced video clips can be satisfying. But they aren’t realistic depictions of the work required to get the effects a client is asking for. In reality, there are a ton of less glamorous tasks & challenges that you don’t often see in edited video clips and TV shows. Planning then executing a cohesive redecorating plan is a lengthy process.

When you hire an interior decorator, you save yourself the headache of figuring out things outside of your skillset, and you save yourself a ton of TIME! That alone makes the decision for most people, because time is our most precious asset. Home projects necessitate a lot of planning, proficiency, and precision to insure that you get the look and function you are seeking. Because hiring a professional can be expensive, it can be tempting to DIY or settle for cheaper alternatives. I encourage you to resist the urge! The cost of repairing a botched design plan will far exceed the price you will pay an interior decorator to coordinate your design correctly the first time.

Some interior decorators have additional trainings and certifications in specialized areas. Certified Aging in Place Specialists (CAPS) are professionals who have been trained in planning home renovations to accommodate individuals of all abilities and those who wish to age in place. Choosing an interior decorator who is also a CAPS professional has the added bonus of ensuring that your home is designed seamlessly and invisibly to meet any family member or visitor needs. Using the principles of universal design as you make changes to your home just makes good sense as it increases the safety for individuals of all ages and abilities. Yours truly has also spend 28 years as a practicing physical therapist, so that’s a win-win as well.

So why hire an interior decorator? Because they have a trained eye for detail and the skill to execute your vision. An interior decorator has the ability to create an atmosphere within your home that aligns with your personal style & taste, without you needing to learn how to do it all yourself. Money well spent!!!